I am now eating rice cereal!!! It is so yummy and exciting. I get one Tablespoon mixed with milk everyday at lunch. I have learned a few important things in a few short days.
#1 When the spoon comes, open your mouth. That way the food goes right in, although I do enjoy eating it off my bib too.
#2 Do not inhale when you're swallowing, even though you are so excited you want to gasp for joy.
#3 Don't kick mommy's arm when she has the spoon, it takes longer for the food to get to you.
#4 Try not to cry when mommy goes too slow, it makes it harder to swallow when crying, and then it takes longer for the food to get to you.
#5 Don't talk while eating. (I forget this one a lot) Even though you want to tell everyone how good it tastes, wait til later, because otherwise, it takes longer for the food to get to you.